
"l'Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche" e "l'Istituto di CAlcolo e Reti ad alte prestazioni" del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche nell'ambito del programma Short Term Mobility, hanno il piacere di invitarvi al seminario dal titolo "Educating robots to be social and ethical", che si terrà mercoledì 24 gennaio 2018, alle ore 10:00 presso l’area della ricerca del C.N.R. in Via Ugo La Malfa 153.

Il seminario si articolerà nei due interventi: “Be real, be social”, tenuto dal Prof. Frank Dignum dell' Università di Utrecht “Ethics by Design: necessity or curse”, tenuto dalla Prof. Virginia Dignum del Delft Institute Design for Values, TU Delfte


Frank Dignum - Utrecht University

Dr. Frank Dignum is working on social aspects of software agents with applications in serious gaming, social simulations and robotics. He is well known for his work on norms and other social structures. His latest research focuses on creating new agent architectures to build agents and robots that operate in real-time environments and have to cooperate with humans and other agents. He has organized many workshops and conferences on the topics and given tutorials at most major conferences and summer schools on them. At the moment his H-index is 50.

Virginia Dignum - Delft Institute Design for Values, TU Delft

Virginia Dignum is Associate Professor on Social Artificial Intelligence at TU Delft. Her research focuses on value-sensitive design of intelligent systems, in particular on the formalisation of ethical and normative behaviours and social interactions. She is Executive Director of the Delft Design for Values Institute, Executive Committee member of IEEE Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous Systems and Director the AI and Robotics MSc program at TU Delft.

Ultimo aggiornamento ( Lunedì 29 Gennaio 2018 10:39 )